DEMO Devlog #2

Hello everyone and welcome to the second CHAOTOR devlog. As of right now I am feeling a bit sick, so probably not able to get much work in today.

However, where work was lost today, much work was done before. Setting a deadline for myself ( November 30th ) has been a great way to keep me consistently motivated to work on CHAOTOR.

Things I fixed / made this week

  • Issue on 144hz monitors where moving things had an afterimage. The fix was to turn v-sync off.
  • Dying no longer resets the quest, just spawns you at the beginning with a health of 25%
  • Winning a battle gives you 5 seconds of iframes
  • Cutscenes now exist
    • Yes I didn't have cutscenes before this week, but it only took me a day to implement.

So anyways, if all goes well this weekend and following week ( though thanksgiving might have something to say about that ) I should be feeling a lot better and getting a lot more work done. On the cover image to the right is a blue person, that's Sih, the tutorial character. His art isn't done yet. I'll predict here that by next devlog I'll have Sih and his house art completed and work on the intro cutscene well underway. If that's easy I'll work on quests.

Can you believe there's only 13 more days until CHAOTOR has to be released? Save a day for setting up exports ( Demo is Web only. The actual game is unknown. ) and a main menu, it's more around 12 days. That means next week is the last Devlog! I should be fine... I should be fine. It's only a demo afterall, really just a way for me to get people to try the different aspect of gameplay and get feedback. 

- Famos

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