DEMO Devlog #1

Helooooo everyone, and welcome to CHAOTOR's first Devlog. The title says "DEMO Devlog", and that's because these Devlogs are for the Demo of Chaotor. For the Demo, I want it out by November 30th, completed or not. The Demo only goes over the tutorial of Chaotor, and if I make the Tutorial quick enough I'll try to slide in another area, but don't expect that to happen. Progress has been quite slow, and there are still a few background changes and additions I need to make.

But that's why I'm doing these weekly Devlogs and having a Demo release date in the first place, to be able to have a close goal and work towards it. To work harder and hopefully get the full tutorial out by the 30th.

Well, I suppose that's enough of why I'm doing this, now I'll go on more about what CHAOTOR is.

CHAOTOR is a fantasy rpg in the world I made, Ethr. Won't talk too much about Ethr here, I have in-game books for that.

Book UI

A snippet of the book "Ground Steel"

If you've ever played an Elder Scrolls game that should look familiar. So far there are ~30 books I've written. Most of them complete, some not started, it varies. 

But if you aren't a book reader, or you find my writing bad, don't feel like you have to read them. They're there for people who want to know more. Nothing in those books have any important relevance to the plot of CHAOTOR.

And speaking of the plot, let's go in more detail. You play as Nai, last name unknown, a Chaotor. Chaotors are a group of elite knights from the Desert, also known as Aaego. Aaego is the capital of trade in Ethr, and thus has some very rich people who want protection, or people to do their bidding. Those people are Chaotors, mercenary knights who serve under merchants for hefty sums of coin. ( Learn more about Chaotors in the books "Chaotor" and "The Truth of The Chaotor" )

So you, Nai, are one such Chaotor and have been paid to go into the East and kill the Lord of a town. Specifically the farming town Straew, and its Lord Vllani. Something goes wrong and you aren't able to complete the mission at that time, but you have another chance. That part of the story comes BEFORE the tutorial as a sort of prequel. As such it won't appear in the Demo.

Combat UI

What a battle looks like

That's combat, your nine skills are as follows

  • HEAL - Self-explanatory, you heal yourself
  • EMOS' AEGIS - Increases your ALL RESISTANCE to take less damage
  • CHAIN - Hit every enemy with a lightning bolt
  • BOLT - Hit a single enemy with a strong water bolt
  • ATTACK - Simple attack with your weapon
  • STEEL TORNADO - Swing your sword with the help of wind. Requires Attack to be the previous skill used
  • FIREBALL - Hit a single enemy with a DOT ( Damage-Over-Time ) fire ball
  • CHARGE - Ram your enemy with your horns
  • RETREAT - Run from battle

Each Skill ( Minus Attack, it's special ) is either an ACTION or a BONUS ACTION. Every turn you can only use ONE ( 1 ) ACTION or BONUS ACTION. So, plan carefully.

Now to sleep easily it must be said. A lot, and I mean a LOT of this game has one influence. DragonFable.

I think that picture sums the similarities up pretty well.

But you may be thinking. "Geez, isn't this like... severe / blatant plagiarism?" And that's where I say!... Yeah probably.

CHAOTOR wasn't even the original plot / story of this game. I've always wanted to make a DragonFable "Clone" if you will, and that's when I started world-building Ethr and what not, and it was supposed to be following the Great Hero ( No book on them in CHAOTOR ), but I messed up big time ( Baby's first large game ) and I scrapped it, rebuilding it from the ground up as CHAOTOR, a much smaller story. Months later of on and off work I've reached a point where I'm happy with the back-code of CHAOTOR and I'm ready to create the game. Does that story even remotely remove me of all shame from blatant plagiarism? No not at all but I don't have anything else to say on the topic.

Dialog is different though.


Clicking on the left side of the screen brings you back in the dialog, right brings you forward and back to the dialog menu. Not shown here, but the people will move around and change faces. Should let me give everyone a unique personality.

That's all I got for this week. Leave a comment below with any questions, concerns, compliments, tips, hate filled messages, and anything else you want to say to me. I'm off to play some Strike Force Heroes Remastered now, see you all next week.

- Famos

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